Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Potty Progress and Regress

It has been weeks now since V has been dry. She refuses diapers during the day, uses the potty, and will wear diapers for bed, but is generally dry upon waking. Such independence. Such a reduction in laundry! Suddenly it shifted, quickly. And she is missing the toilet 4-5 times a day. She refuses to go when I know she needs to go. She stalls and gets there only when she is desperate, and pees all over the bathroom floor. Or worse yet, on the stool she uses to get onto the potty. We have gone from diapers to washing whole outfits because she soaks herself each time.

Today, we were at a science group meeting at another family’s house. The kids were having fun playing in the baby’s room, where she has a fun tent with plastic balls inside, ala Ikea ball room. Guess who peed in the balls? Sure enough.

I guess this is my reminder not to get too complacent with the assumption that milestones mean a constantly forward progression. Or a reminder that forward progress is not always apparent and presented as we expect.


koltonsmomma said...

I would love to hear some real secrets. The only time I can get my son (3) to go potty is right before bath at night. No other time will he go... I am new to this site, and really hoping that it will be easy to maneuver and will be helpful in areas like these

PNW Mama said...

I found that the Diaper Free Baby book was my favorite thing on potty learning. I also find that different kids have their own schedule, and eventually they all use the potty.....